Lunatic Fringe Merlot 750ml is a bold red wine from California with notes of dark cherry, plum, and vanilla. This medium-bodied wine has a smooth finish, making it an excellent choice for pairing with red meats and hearty dishes.
To fully enjoy the flavors of Lunatic Fringe Merlot, we recommend serving it slightly below room temperature, around 60-65°F. Allow the wine to breathe for a few minutes before pouring, and pair it with grilled steaks, burgers, or rich pasta dishes for the perfect dining experience.
Product Details
Category | Wine |
Color | Red |
Country | USA |
Region | California |
Subregion | NAPA COUNTY |
Style | DRY RED WINE |
Varietal | Merlot |
Size | 750 ml |
Container | BOTTLE |